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Our Journals: Chanelle Clark

Chanelle Clark

Chanelle Clark

To honour Matariki, we sat down with some whānau to chat about traditions, and how we can honour those who have passed whilst continuing to strengthen connections. Meet Zoë’s niece, Chanelle and her Daughter Cass.

We had the best time at Connor and Cassidy's 21st recently, and your mihi was so beautiful Chanelle, tell us about your journey with Te Reo, and what it means to you to connect with your whānau in ways that honour your ancestors. 

Thank you for the kind words about my mihi at Connor and Cassidy's 21st. Sharing my reo haerenga with Te Reo Māori and connecting with our whānau in ways honouring our tūpuna means a lot to me. Learning Te Reo has been profoundly healing, especially considering the intergenerational trauma our people have faced. It is a pathway for our tamariki and our rangatahi to reclaim their heritage and strengthen their identity. My reo haerenga has given me a deep sense of purpose and connection. After the loss of our dad last year, Matariki has taken on an even deeper meaning, becoming a time of remembrance and connection, reflecting on the past and looking forward with hope.

With matariki season approaching, do you have any rituals you like to do personally or with whānau? 

With Matariki approaching, I plan to go up north to my Papa/dad’s whānau marae, Tauteihiihi, in Kohukohu. This year, we will take our Papa's kawe mate back, bringing photographs of our loved ones who have passed to be displayed at the marae. This honours our Papa and reconnects us with our whenua. Matariki brings whānau together to remember those we have lost and celebrate the resilience of our whakapapa.

How do you weave together your friends and family to create a fun lifestyle? 

We love to travel, enjoy good food, and share laughter. My friends and I have children around the same age, so we plan activities everyone can enjoy. One of our favourite traditions is swimming in our awa in Te Puke, both year-round and during Matariki. I always feel cleansed by the waters of our awa, especially living in the city; it refreshes my wairua. Another cherished tradition is our midwinter Christmas celebrations, held at different whānau members' houses each year. These gatherings are filled with love, lots of laughter, and warmth, strengthening our whānau bonds and the importance of unity and support.


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